Student story: Wissal El Megouni

The Industrial Mana­ge­ment programme offers many career opportunities 

During my studies, I have met many students from diffe­rent backgrounds and cultu­res and learned to coope­rate, work toget­her, and exchange expe­riences.

Wissal El Megouni, Morocco

My name is El Megouni Wissal, I am a second-year student of Industrial Mana­ge­ment engi­nee­ring at Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences. After gradua­ting from high school in my home country Morocco, I got the idea to study abroad. I chose Finland since it is known as a top desti­na­tion for inter­na­tio­nal students seeking higher education.

I always wanted to be an engi­neer, but I also had an inte­rest in the fields of busi­ness and mana­ge­ment. I have been inte­res­ted in marke­ting, finance and accoun­ting. As the Industrial Mana­ge­ment degree programme is a combi­na­tion of engi­nee­ring and busi­ness, it was the perfect fit for me. The degree programme combi­nes tech­no­logy, busi­ness and mana­ge­ment skills. Most impor­tantly, the degree offers many career oppor­tu­ni­ties in the future.

During my studies, I have met many students from diffe­rent backgrounds and cultu­res and learned to coope­rate, work toget­her, and exchange expe­riences. In addi­tion, I have learned the whole lifecycle of a product as well as the tools on how to increase busi­ness profit.

I would recom­mend this programme for those who would like to unders­tand the whole process of industries, have versa­tile know­ledge and exper­tise in engi­nee­ring and meet the new demands of the job market.