Karelia UAS is seeking to recruit a Lectu­rer in Inter­na­tio­nal Business

Karelia Ammat­ti­kor­kea­koulu Oy / Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Ltd

is seeking to recruit a

The cont­ract of emplo­y­ment is perma­nent as of 1st January 2022.

The duties in the posi­tion include teac­hing in various exper­tise in the field of inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness and industrial mana­ge­ment. The job inclu­des also super­vi­sing the compi­la­tion of theses and interns­hips. In addi­tion to teac­hing, the job inclu­des various research and deve­lop­ment duties and desig­ning and imple­men­ting char­geable services.

– compe­tence in inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness and work expe­rience in the field,
– compe­tence in respon­sible busi­ness
– compe­tence in mana­ge­rial work in an inter­na­tio­nal opera­ting envi­ron­ment,
– compe­tence in working in multicul­tu­ral and multi­discipli­nary teams,
– compe­tence in blended and online peda­gogy
– inter­na­tio­nal work expe­rience,
– busi­ness connec­tions and networks in the field.
– fluent spoken and written skills in English and
– basic spoken and written skills in Finnish

Expe­rience in teac­hing is consi­de­red an advantage.

Applicants are requi­red to have an appropriate Masters Degree and minimum three years profes­sio­nal expe­rience in the field. In addi­tion to teac­hing, the job inclu­des various instruc­tion and deve­lop­ment duties. Good commu­nica­tion and social inte­rac­tion skills, a respon­sible and an active approach to work, and the ability to create and main­tain networks in the field are appreciated.

The eligi­bi­lity requi­re­ments for the posi­tion are in accor­dance with the Decree on Univer­sity of Applied Sciences A1129/18.12.2014. In addi­tion, peda­go­gical studies of at least 35 credits or 60 ECTS credits, which may also be comple­ted within three years of the start of the emplo­y­ment, are requi­red. The terms and condi­tions for the emplo­y­ment and the salary are deter­mi­ned in accor­dance with the SIVISTA Finnish Educa­tion Emplo­yers, collec­tive agree­ment on educa­tion. The person selec­ted for the posi­tion must present an accep­table medical certi­ficate before commencing emplo­y­ment. A six-month proba­tio­nary period is applied to all new members of the staff.

Submit your applica­tion and CV via Kunta­rekry by Monday, 15th Novem­ber 2021, 3 pm.

For further infor­ma­tion on the contents of the posi­tion, please contact Head of Educa­tion, Ms Ulla Asikai­nen, [email protected], tel. 050 523 4355 and for further infor­ma­tion on the emplo­y­ment rela­tions­hip, please contact HR Manager, Ms Jaana Tolkki, [email protected], tel. 050 408 7932.