Karelia UAS invites applications for the position of Principal Lecturer in Applied Research

Karelia University of Applied Sciences invites applications for the following position

Principal Lecturer in Applied Research

to develop, coordinate and facilitate strategic RDI activities in Carbon Neutrality at Karelia University of Applied Sciences and to work as the key researcher in the Horizon2020 INVEST for EXCELLENCE project.

The full-time, fixed-term position is available for the period of 1.1.2022-31.12.2024. The grounds and basis for a fixed-term contract is project work. The place of work is Karelia University of Applied Sciences in Joensuu, Finland.

Carbon Neutrality is one of the strategic choices of Karelia 2030 strategy. The strategy aims at implementing the carbon neutrality objectives of the City of Joensuu and the region of North Karelia, finding solutions to mitigate the climate change and developing the transition from non-renewable to renewable products and services.

To implement the strategic objectives, the Principal Lecturer in Applied Research works in close collaboration with teachers and specialists from the degree programmes in Energy and Environmental Engineering and Forestry, as well as national and international RDI operations in the field.

The RDI in Carbon Neutrality include, for example, following thematic areas:
– sustainable energy solutions and technology
– renewable materials and products
– sustainable education and regional development
– mitigation of climate change
– life cycle management
– value chains and digital solutions in bioeconomy
– holistic approach to the promotion of sustainable development

The key responsibilities of the Principal Lecturer in Applied Research relate to the implementation of the Horizon2020 INVEST4EXCELLENCE project. The tasks also include application for research funding for other RDI projects in compliance with Karelia strategy.

The tasks of the Principal Lecturer in Applied Research contain:
– Contribution to RDI processes (idea generation, application for funding, and implementation and evaluation of projects) in one or more of the thematic areas identified above
– Active grant writing to acquire international RDI funding in one or more of the thematic areas identified above
– Coordination of the RDI strategy and action plan in INVEST4EXCELLENCE
– Active co-operation with partners and stakeholders at regional, national and international levels
– Other expert and educational tasks defined by the employer

We expect:
– doctoral degree in the relevant field of education
– relevant work experience

– competence and experience in implementing international RDI projects
– references from successful international and national RDI operators, funding agencies and institutions
– excellent academic communication, team-working and co-creation skills
– experience in university-industry liaisons and collaboration and ability to apply RDI results into practice together with stakeholders
– self-management and digital communication skills

We appreciate, if the candidate also has:
– teaching experience and pedagogical competence
– advanced B2-level skills in the Finnish language
– other language skills

The position is full-time and the employment conditions comply with the collective labour agreement of Sivista.

The applications including a CV and references should be posted to Kuntarekry by 3 pm on Tuesday 23 November 2021.

More information about the position and tasks of the Principal Lecturer in Applied Research can be obtained from:
Ms. Sanna Kasurinen, Head of Education, tel. +358 50 413 2979, [email protected]
Ms. Liisa Timonen, Head of International Affairs, tel. +358 50 591 3397, [email protected]
Ms. Anne Ilvonen, Research and Development Director, tel. +358 50 311 6314, [email protected]
More information about the employment conditions is available from:
Ms. Jaana Tolkki, Head of Human Resources, tel. +358 50 408 7932, [email protected].