We are seeking to recruit a Senior project researcher

to develop, coordinate and facilitate strategic RDI activities in Sustainable Wellbeing in Sparsely Populated Areas at Karelia University of Applied Sciences. 

The full-time, fixed-term position is available for the period of 1.8.2022- 31.7.2025. The grounds and basis for a fixed-term contract is project work. The place of work is Karelia University of Applied Sciences in Joensuu, Finland. 

Sustainable wellbeing in sparsely populated areas is one of the strategic choices of Karelia 2030 strategy. The strategy aims at facilitating the deployment of qualified personnel outside urban areas by developing flexible educational opportunities and by strengthening the participation and preconditions to prolong careers of older employees in health care and social services. Together with our partners in various fields, we develop products, services, operational models and technological solutions that support sustainable wellbeing. Our aim is to create research and development environments for continuous learning, which enable deepening of knowledge and development of products and services. We operate to make North Karelia a leading region in the promotion of age-friendliness and health and wellbeing. 

To implement the strategy, the Senior Project Researcher works in close collaboration with teachers and specialists from the degree programmes of Health Care and Social Services, and with national and international RDI operators in the field.

The RDI activities include, for example, the following thematic areas:
– Social and health care services and competence in a region characterised by long distances 
– New technological solutions and remote and digital services in social and health care 
– Promotion of wellbeing, health and age-friendliness through cooperation 
– Age-friendly work and society 
– Creation of multidisciplinary learning, research and development environments 
– Flexible and effective services and implementation modes for continuous learning 

Senior Project Researcher is also responsible for applying for funding for RDI projects in compliance with Karelia strategy. 

The tasks of the Senior Project Researcher include:
– Contribution to RDI activities (idea generation, application for funding, and implementation and evaluation of projects) in one or more of the thematic areas identified above
– Effective grant writing to receive international RDI funding in one or more of the thematic areas identified above
– Active co-operation with partners and stakeholders at regional, national and international levels
– Other expert and educational tasks defined by the employer

We expect:
– doctoral degree in the relevant field of education
– relevant work experience
– competence and experience in implementing RDI projects
– excellent academic communication, team-working and co-creation skills 
– experience in university-industry liaisons and collaboration and ability to apply RDI results into practice together with stakeholders
– self-management and digital communication skills

We appreciate, if the candidate also has: 
– advanced B2-level skills in the Finnish language
– other language skills
– Bachelor/master degree in Social and Healthcare 

The position is full-time and the employment conditions comply with the collective labour agreement of Sivista.

The applications including a CV and references should be posted to Kuntarekry by 3 pm on Monday 25 April 2022.