We are seeking to recruit a Senior project researcher

to develop, coor­di­nate and faci­li­tate stra­te­gic RDI acti­vi­ties in Sustai­nable Well­being in Spar­sely Popu­la­ted Areas at Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences. 

The full-time, fixed-term posi­tion is avai­lable for the period of 1.8.2022- 31.7.2025. The grounds and basis for a fixed-term cont­ract is project work. The place of work is Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences in Joensuu, Finland. 

Sustai­nable well­being in spar­sely popu­la­ted areas is one of the stra­te­gic choices of Karelia 2030 stra­tegy. The stra­tegy aims at faci­li­ta­ting the deplo­y­ment of quali­fied person­nel outside urban areas by deve­lo­ping flexible educa­tio­nal oppor­tu­ni­ties and by strengt­he­ning the partici­pa­tion and precon­di­tions to prolong careers of older emplo­yees in health care and social services. Toget­her with our part­ners in various fields, we develop products, services, opera­tio­nal models and tech­no­lo­gical solu­tions that support sustai­nable well­being. Our aim is to create research and deve­lop­ment envi­ron­ments for conti­nuous lear­ning, which enable deepe­ning of know­ledge and deve­lop­ment of products and services. We operate to make North Karelia a leading region in the promo­tion of age-friend­li­ness and health and wellbeing. 

To imple­ment the stra­tegy, the Senior Project Researc­her works in close colla­bo­ra­tion with teac­hers and specia­lists from the degree program­mes of Health Care and Social Services, and with natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal RDI opera­tors in the field.

The RDI acti­vi­ties include, for example, the following thema­tic areas:
– Social and health care services and compe­tence in a region charac­te­ri­sed by long distances 
– New tech­no­lo­gical solu­tions and remote and digital services in social and health care 
– Promo­tion of well­being, health and age-friend­li­ness through coope­ra­tion 
– Age-friendly work and society 
– Crea­tion of multi­discipli­nary lear­ning, research and deve­lop­ment envi­ron­ments 
– Flexible and effec­tive services and imple­men­ta­tion modes for conti­nuous learning 

Senior Project Researc­her is also respon­sible for applying for funding for RDI projects in compliance with Karelia strategy. 

The tasks of the Senior Project Researc­her include:
– Cont­ri­bu­tion to RDI acti­vi­ties (idea gene­ra­tion, applica­tion for funding, and imple­men­ta­tion and evalua­tion of projects) in one or more of the thema­tic areas iden­ti­fied above
– Effec­tive grant writing to receive inter­na­tio­nal RDI funding in one or more of the thema­tic areas iden­ti­fied above
– Active co-opera­tion with part­ners and stake­hol­ders at regio­nal, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal levels
– Other expert and educa­tio­nal tasks defined by the employer

We expect:
– docto­ral degree in the rele­vant field of educa­tion
– rele­vant work expe­rience
– compe­tence and expe­rience in imple­men­ting RDI projects
– excel­lent acade­mic commu­nica­tion, team-working and co-crea­tion skills 
– expe­rience in univer­sity-industry liai­sons and colla­bo­ra­tion and ability to apply RDI results into prac­tice toget­her with stake­hol­ders
– self-mana­ge­ment and digital commu­nica­tion skills

We appreciate, if the candi­date also has: 
– advanced B2-level skills in the Finnish language
– other language skills
– Bachelor/master degree in Social and Healthcare 

The posi­tion is full-time and the emplo­y­ment condi­tions comply with the collec­tive labour agree­ment of Sivista.

The applica­tions inclu­ding a CV and refe­rences should be posted to Kunta­rekry by 3 pm on Monday 25 April 2022.