Karelia UAS is looking for International Officer

Karelia University of Applied Sciences is looking for

for the duration of the job alternation leave for 1.8.-31.12.2021. The substitute must be an unemployed jobseeker.

Internationality is one of the strategic aims of Karelia University of Applied Science (Karelia). Karelia2030 strategy identifies five main areas to work with and develop until 2030 to meet with the regional and global challenges. Karelia UAS offers broad internationalization possibilities for all students and staff members.

International Officer tasks include
– coordination of TFK (Team Finland Knowledge) cooperation with Russia, NordPlus-programme and the Erasmus+ global mobility project with China
– guiding and supporting outgoing students including grant payments
– coordination of staff mobility
– communication on internationalization opportunities for students and staff members
– communication of exchange and application issues with the international partners
– participation in renewal of exchange agreements and
– active participation in implementation and development of international services

We expect and value
– degree in higher education
– competence in international communication
– good skills with digital tools
– experience in international contexts
– proficiency in English language
– Moderate Finnish language skills
– team work and co-creation skills
– self-management skills and good communication skills

We value, if you also have
– Finnish language skills
– other language skills
– master-level degree

The post is full-time and conditions follow the collective labour agreement of Sivista.

Apply by Wed 28 th April, 3 pm in Kuntarekry. Remember to include your CV and possible recommendations into the application.

More information about the post and tasks of the International Officer: Head of Education, Ulla Asikainen, p. 050 523 4355, [email protected]. More information on the employment relationship: HR Manager Jaana Tolkki, p. 050 408 7932, [email protected].