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Career Services

Career coaching services

Career coaching services are meant for Karelia UAS degree students. The student who is about to finish one´s study can seek support to graduate and employment. Career coaches offer individual coaching and support for employment and further studies.

Career Services provide

  1. Individual career coaching (you have to book an appointment)
  2. A walk-in hour in the Campus hallway
  3. Pop-up career workshops, thematic weeks
  4. Internships, job positions, and thesis topics in Tuudo

Individual career coaching is designed for those students who are at the end of their studies and they have questions about their future careers. Those questions could be e.g. where can I find a job or what kind of further studies could be useful for me? A student can ask for career coaching by him/herself or with the help of study counselors. Coaching is confidential, discussion-based, and target-orientated which aim is to find out his/her situation and agree upon targets for the coaching process. Coaching includes discussions and target-orientated assignments. Individual career coaching

  • strengthens student’s career and working life skills
  • supports students graduating on schedule
  • supports students entering working life and employment
  • supports the student to find his/her ideas and to make his/her plans and decisions
  • helps the student considerate options and possibilities

Career Coaches 

Niina Pennanen ja Satu Saarinen
Contact us by email [email protected]

Career Coach´s Walk-in hour

Walk-in hour is meant for all Karelian degree students. You can bring your CV, job application/cover letter, or Linkedin profile to Career Coach for comments. Also, a short discussion about an issue that is puzzling you is possible. Topics could be e.g. finding an internship, job hunting, further studies, or decision making in choosing the courses. You don´t have to book an appointment beforehand. Welcome!
Time: every Tuesday at 12-13
Place: Wärtsilä Campus main hall

Services for Immigrants

SIMHE-Karelia serves the immigrants living in the area of Eastern Finland. The guidance and counselling services of SIMHE-Karelia consist of information distribution on the higher education system in Finland and on the application opportunities and practices. The staff of SIMHE-Karelia also provide personal guidance related to study opportunities for immigrants interested in higher education studies. In addition, support will be provided regarding the practices used in the recognition of prior learning as well as guidance in career planning for those immigrants who have already completed some higher education studies before.  

At SIMHE-Karelia guidance and counselling is provided by Taru Väisänen. You can book an appointment to receive personal guidance by sending email to [email protected] or by calling +358 50 413 8260.

Find more information on our webpages: Guidance services for immigrants and https://www.facebook.com/simhekarelia/