Karelia University of Applied Sciences awarded the best theses of year 2019

Karelia University of Applied Sciences awarded the best theses of year 2019


Karelia University of Applied Sciences has awarded the best theses conducted in 2019. This year, the impact of the thesis was emphasised in the award criteria.

The best Bachelor’s thesis was conducted by Bachelor of Engineering (Energy and Environmental Engineering), Ms Mira Mathwes (formerly Karvinen). The title of the thesis is Intensified Role of R&D in Transferring Finnish Bioenergy Knowledge and Technology to Canada: Case Sioux Lookout.

Mira Mathews conducted her thesis in a project for bioenergy knowledge and technology transfer by Karelia University of Applied Sciences and its cooperation partners. The Sioux Lookout in Canada was one of the target areas in the project and while conducting the thesis, Mira Mathews worked as an intern at the Canadian Embassy and participated in local networking events and interviewed stakeholders. Mathews’ thesis promoted the operations of Finnish export companies in Canada by significantly increasing the understanding of the local operational environment. The analysis of the thesis and the results on the dynamics of the transfer process, success factors and the role of RDI activities are valuable for Karelia University of Applied Sciences, the Natural Resources Institute Finland, Business Finland, and business partners.

The best Master’s thesis was conducted by Master of Engineering, Mr Pekka Hartikainen, from the Degree Programme in Technology Competence Management. The title of the thesis is Utilizing Robotic Process Automation in Customer Support Processes of Valtori. The thesis was commissioned by Government ICT Centre Valtori.

In his work, Pekka Hartikainen studied the opportunities of robotic process automation (RPA) and the planning of the deployment of RPA in the state administration. The topic is particularly current and it is also important from technological point of view. The aim of Hartikainen’s study was to identify manual work that could be automated by RPA and to create a roadmap for the deployment of RPA. In addition, Hartikainen gathered an excellent compilation of different types of automation solutions. The results of the thesis can be utilised not only by Valtori but other state administration organisations as well. Pekka Hartikainen did not end his robotics studies after the compilation of the thesis, but he continues his studies in the field of RPA in a new higher education diploma education.

The aim of the annual thesis competition is to present innovative theses that benefit their own field of profession both now and in the near future. The awarded theses were selected by a jury including Principal Lecturer Ari Talkkari, Lecturer Atte Korte and Information Specialist Kaisa Varis. The jury was chaired by Principal Lecturer Tarja Kupiainen.

Theses conducted at Karelia UAS are available on theseus.fi.

Further information: Principal Lecturer Tarja Kupiainen, tel. +358 50 520 9749.