Library’s opening hours from 23.8.

There will come changes in Library’s opening and service hours, starting from 23.8.2021. Please, check the possible exceptions from here.

Self-service library (library facilities, self-service lending and returning)
Mon – Thu 7.30 – 20
Fri 7.30 – 20 

Notice: Tikkarinne Campus main entrance is open shorter than library’s door. The main entrance is open Mon – Thu 7.30 – 18 and on Fridays 7.30 – 16.

Library’s customer service is open Mon – Fri 11 – 14.

On-call librarian (supplementary service in autumn 2021): Text or call 050 3119545 (also WhatsApp)

Mon – Thu: 8 – 11 and 14 – 18
Fri: 8 – 11 and 14 – 15

Contact the on-call librarian if you have problems with library use.

Everyone shall wear a face mask when staying and moving on campus premises, also in the library facilities. Karelia UAS Coronainfo.