Karelia UAS is seeking to recruit a Lecturer in Industrial Management

Karelia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy / Karelia University of Applied Sciences Ltd

is seeking to recruit a

The contract of employment is permanent as of 1st January 2022.

The duties in the position include teaching in various areas of expertise in the English-mediated engineering education, Degree Programme in Industrial Management, and supervising the compilation of theses and internships. In addition to teaching, the job includes various research and development duties and designing and implementing chargeable services.

– competence in manufacturing and technology management
– competence in process and quality management
– competence in the application of digitalization
– competence in working in diverse and multidisciplinary teams
– international work experience,
– networks in the field,
– fluent spoken and written skills in English
– basic spoken and written skills in Finnish and
– good communication and interaction skills

Ability to grasp and learn new technologies in short period and knowledge about programming and ICT is appreciated.
Applicants are required to have an appropriate Master of Science in Technology degree or an equivalent degree, and minimum three years professional experience in the field. Experience in teaching is considered an advantage.

The eligibility requirements for the position are in accordance with the Decree on University of Applied Sciences A1129/18.12.2014. In addition, pedagogical studies of at least 35 credits or 60 ECTS credits, which may also be completed within three years of the start of the employment, are required. The terms and conditions for the employment and the salary are determined in accordance with the Sivistystyönantajat ry collective agreement on education. The person selected for the position must present an acceptable medical certificate before commencing employment. A six-month probationary period is applied to all new members of the staff.

Submit your application and CV via Kuntarekry by Monday, 15th November 2020, 3 pm.

For further information on the contents of the position, please contact Head of Education, Ms Ulla Asikainen, [email protected], tel. 050 523 4355 and for further information on the employment relationship, please contact HR Manager, Ms Jaana Tolkki, [email protected], tel. 050 408 7932.