Study opportunities for Ukrainians and others in need of temporary protection

Have you applied for, or have you been granted temporary protection in Finland?  If yes, Karelia offers you free guidance, counselling, and the right to study in the Open University.  

During the autumn semester 2022, we provide several non-degree courses both online and offline in Wärtsilä Campus (Karjalankatu 3, Joensuu). The courses are suitable for anyone with sufficient language skills. With the courses we want to enhance your adaptation and employment in Finland.  

For more information and registration, please visit this site

Karelia UAS also provides immigrants with guidance and counselling services free of charge. The SIMHE-Karelia staff offers personal guidance for those interested in degree studies in higher education. If you have already completed higher education studies before, you can get further help for planning your career in Finland.   

To learn more, please visit this site.   

To book your personal guidance and counselling session, please contact simhe(at)