Open Science and Research

Karelia University of Applied Sciences follows the national Declaration for Open Science and Research in Finland. The organisation has own policy for open operational culture, open publication, and data management.

RDI projects are required to apply the data management plan by dmpTuuli tool. Open science and research requirements are discussed in an internal meeting with RDI services in the beginning of each project.

The open science and research work is coordinated at Karelia by a coordinating group, which has representatives from RDI services, library, education, data administration, HR and research ethics.

Guide: Open RDI at Karelia UAS

Karelia has also signed the international CoARA (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment) agreement for the reform of research, researchers, and research organization assessment. The goal of CoARA is to promote the quality and impact of research as well as the qualitative assessment of researchers’ (R&D operators) competencies and the utilization of their skills. Read more: CoARA Action Plan 2023-2027

Useful links is a service offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture that collects and shares information on research conducted in Finland.

Open Science in Finland

Open RDi and education network for Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland

The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK, appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, promotes the responsible conduct of research, prevents research misconduct, promotes discussion and spreads information on research integrity in Finland.


Puhakka-Tarvainen, H. 2021. Karelia UAS Promotes Open Science, Research and Education. – International Edition 2021.

Päällysaho, S., Latvanen, J., Lehto, A., Riihimaa, J., Lahti, P., Kärki, A., Puhakka-Tarvainen, H. 2021. Key Aspects of Open Data in Finnish RDI Cooperation between Higher Education and Businesses. Data Intelligence. January 04, 2021.

Päällysaho, S., Latvanen, J. Kärki, A., Lehto, A., Riihimaa, J., Lahti, J., Lahtinen, H., Suikkanen, E., Puhakka-Tarvainen, H. 2020. Perspectives on the Nature of Open Data in Business Cooperation. SeAMK e-journal 24.3.2020.

Contact Details

Anne Ilvonen
Research and Development Director
Tel: +358 50 311 6314