Get longer due date for course book and journal loans by renewing

Now it is time to renew your course book and journal loans to get the longer summertime due date. The due dates are not going ahead automatically, so remember to renew them. Renew your loans now, and the next due date will be in August (18.8.). You will get the long due date also, if you borrow course books or printed journals before summer closing.

  • If you have the Tuudo library card, the renewal is easy & quick to do there. Just click the title of the loan, and click the renewal button.
  • You can also renew your loans on Karelia-Finna.
  • You can contact library
    • on Karelia-Finna’s chat,
    • by email library(a) tai
    • to the number +358 50 311 9545 (WhatsApp/text message/phone call).

You are not able to renew your loans if:

  • there is a request placed on the loan,
  • you have had the loan the maximum time,
  • you have 10 euro or more overdue fees,
  • your customer information are no longer valid.
    • If you get shorter due date, the period of your customer information might be ending. Please, contact the library.

More info from Library’s Frequently asked questions page > See the Why can’t I renew my loans? heading.

If you are not able to renew your loans or get the long due date, please contact library or return your loans.


Library is open until 30.6., and closed 1.7. – 2.8.

You can return your loans in the summer (and also whenever library is closed) by using the automated book return machine outside the library. It is located on the right from Tikkarinne Campus’ main entrance, along the downhill walkway. The return machine is available 24/7 (in the evenings, weekends and vacation times).

You can check all the opening, service and closing hours from Karelia-Finna.

Tämän kuvan alt-attribuutti on tyhjä; Tiedoston nimi on the-eleventh-hour-758723_1280-1024x681.jpg
Photo: Pixabay