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Pulse – Guidelines for Authors


Pulse is a publication portal for Karelia UAS’ staff and partners, where new material is published weekly.

If you would like to publish an article in Pulse, please send your article to [email protected].

Guidelines for writing

The articles published on the Pulssi portal can be expert articles, speeches, news or the results of study trips. They can also be reports on development work or good practice. Topics can include Karelia’s co-operation in international networks and projects, educational export, international mobility, English-language degree programmes, services for immigrants, benchmarking trips and conference visits.

The recommended article length is 2-4 pages.

  • Include a brief lead paragraph at the beginning of the article, outlining the main points of the article.
  • For accessibility, use clear language, that is easy to understand and does not contain special vocabulary or obscure structures. Avoid complexity!
  • Use subheadings! Headings make the text easy to look at and browse. In online text, use headings liberally, as the eye is drawn to the elements that stand out from the body text. Since people typically explore the content of a page by glancing at or browsing the headings, headings should be descriptive and precise.
  • Articles can contain pictures and diagrams. Please provide the best possible quality version of the images, e.g. a diagram in its original file format. To ensure accessibility, the editorial team will add alternative texts (ALT texts) to the images and figures.
  • The author takes due account of the work and achievements of other authors by respecting their work and citing their publications appropriately. Karelia is committed to Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland.

The editors reserve the right to edit and shorten the text if necessary. The authors reserve the right to check the text before publication if any changes have been made. Authors will be informed when the text has been published on the Pulse portal.


Pulse also publishes videos. The videos will be published on Youtube (e.g. Karelia’s Youtube channel / RDI project’s channel).

The video must contain the following information:

– Names and roles of the authors (e.g. director, scriptwriter, editor and producer).

– Year of release.

The video must be based on research and expertise carried out by the author. Pulse does not publish videos that are advertisements or promotional material.

Videos must be subtitled.

If you would like to publish a video on Pulse, please contact [email protected]. Please include a short description of the video.


Pulse also publishes podcasts. As a rule, the podcasts are published on Karelia’s podcast platform (Soundcloud).

The description of the podcast must include the following information:

– Names and roles of the authors (e.g. writer, producer, editor).

– Year of publication

The podcast must be based on research and expertise carried out by the author. Pulse does not publish podcasts that are advertising or promotional material.

For accessibility reasons, the content of the podcast should also be published in text format.

If you would like to publish a podcast, please contact [email protected].

Editorial Board

The content and development of Pulse is the responsibility of an Editorial Board:

  • Rauno Jussila, Editor-in-Chief, Communications Manager
  • Kaisa Varis, Assistant Editor, Information Specialist
  • Eija Pyykkö, Communications Specialist
  • Noora Kontturi, Information Specialist
  • Pekka Malvela, Information Specialis

Contact: [email protected].