Energy Policy and Advocacy

Scope 5 ECTS (1 ECTS=27 hours)


Apply local, national and regional-level policies relevant to energy systems and energy transition at community level! You can also:

  • Know how renewable energy policies are both formulated and applied
  • Develop context-specific strategies for building and engaging community support for renewable energy policy
  • Create advocacy for strategy adoption by policy-makers and governance bodies


  • Energy-related policy analysis, including Technology Readiness Levels of energy technologies, EU taxonomy for sustainable activities
  • National and regional climate mitigation, adaptation targets, European New Green Deal, and Sustainable Development Goals
  • Advocacy and strategy development for building public support for renewable energy policy
  • Alignment of renewable energy models with community-level business models

Target audience

– For Business: Experts working in relevant fields

– For Education: Leaders, experts at all levels, 3rd or 4th year students of the associated/applicable involved degree programs

Availability September-December and upon request yearly


Principal Lecturer Lasse Okkonen

([email protected])

Senior Lecturer Kaija Saramäki

([email protected])

Interested? Contact for more info

[email protected]