Active Ageing in Age Friendly Society

Enhance quality of life of older people by Active Ageing Approach!

Online, Scope 5 ECTS (1 ECTS=27 hours)


Enhance quality of life of older people by Active Aging approach through understanding the political, societal and cultural concepts, foundation, determinants, challenges, and impact of aging processes!

You can implement and promote health, well-being and functional ability among older people using an active ageing approach.


• Concepts of active ageing and relationships between welfare, health promotion and rehabilitation

• Methods of promotion of active ageing in employment and daily life, globally and at national level

• Determinants, challenges and political agenda of Active Ageing approach

• Multi-professionalism and new paradigms in the Active Ageing approach

Target audience

• For business: Experts working in the field of health, social care and rehabilitation, or others

• For education: Health, social care, rehabilitation and related background master’s students and professionals

Availability: Autumn semester yearly and upon request

Interested? Contact for more info

[email protected]