Renew your loans – get a longer due date

Now it is the time to renew your loans for Christmas time (or borrow new ones), because there will come a longer due date for course books too! The due date will be 12.1.2023. This is because library is closed during the holiday 23.12.2022 – 8.1.2023.

You can renew your loans for example on Tuudo or Karelia-Finna.

If you are not able to renew your loans (or you do not need them anymore), please return your loans to the library. You can return your Karelia UAS library’s loans

  • to the green return shelf at the library or
  • by using the automated book return machine outside the library, which you can use also when library is closed. Book return machine is located on the right from Tikkarinne Campus’ main entrance, along the downhill walkway. See the guide video (the part of the outdoor return machine is starting at 1:06).
Library’s Christmas Elf is using the book return machine outside the library. Photo: Karelia UAS Library.