Library is closed 23.12.2022 – 8.1.2023

Library’s Christmas time

The whole library is closed 23.12.2022 – 8.1.2023. (Also self-service library is closed.)

Library’s Christmas Memo

  • Remember to renew your loans to get the longer due date for the Christmas holidays! You can renew your loans for example in Tuudo or Karelia-Finna.
  • Please, return your loans to library if you do not need the loans anymore or you are not able to renew them. There is library’s automated book return machine outside the library, which you can use also when library is closed. Book return machine is located on the right from Tikkarinne Campus’ main entrance, along the downhill walkway. See the guide video (the part of the outdoor return machine is starting at 1:06).
  • You find ebooks and databases from Karelia-Finna, and those materials are available also when library is closed.
  • Remember also other libraries of Joensuu and North Karelia area, such as Vaara Libraries and UEF Library.
Library’s Christmas Elf is using library’s automated book return machine outside the library. Photo: Leena Väyrynen.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, wishes the Karelia UAS Library staff!