Library arranges information search workshops on Tikkarinne and Wärtsilä Campuses in spring 2023

Library arranges information search workshops on Tikkarinne and Wärtsilä Campuses in spring 2023. To participate, you can be studying in any degree programme of Karelia UAS.

No need to enroll beforehand. You can ask about information searches, information sources, search words etc. We will guide you! Welcome!

Times and places:


  • Tuesday 31.1. from 14 to 15.30 | class TIK E252
  • Wednesday 22.2. from 16 to 17.30 | class TIK E227
  • There will be more workshops monthly until June, the dates and times will be announced later.


  • Wednesday 25.1. from 14 to 15.30 | class Wär 138 (Dynamo)
  • Tuesday 14.2. from 16 to 17.30 | class Wär 138c (co-design space)
  • There will be more workshops monthly until April, the dates and times will be announced later.
Photo: Pixabay