Entrepreneurship RDI activities and internationality 

Karelia UAS has a long history in the research and development of entrepreneurship. Here are some examples of development projects and other materials regarding entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship projects 

Here are some examples of significant entrepreneurship-related projects carried out by Karelia UAS: 

The ‘Ammatiksi yrittäjä project, implemented in collaboration with Riveria, is a significant entrepreneurship education development project. Within the project, a learning environment for e-commerce, among other things, is being developed for Karelia.

The Talent Hub Eastern Finland project aims to improve the employment opportunities of international students in Eastern Finland. One of the key measures of the project is to strengthen entrepreneurship as a form of employment

Entrepreneurship publications 

The experts and students of Karelia UAS produce hundreds of publications each year. These publications also include a significant number of publications related to entrepreneurship. Articles on entrepreneurship have been gathered here: 

Entrepreneurship and internationality  

Entrepreneurship is more global than ever. Students are provided with international exchange programmes of different lengths that enable the development of their own entrepreneurial skills. In addition, Karelia UAS develops and creates new international, entrepreneurial competence in the region together with its international partners. 

Here are some examples of international entrepreneurship activities:  

Business Academy is part of an international network of entrepreneurship programmes that utilise team pedagogy. Students at the Academy can include an international exchange period at a partner academy in e.g the Czech Republic in their studies. https://y-akatemia.fi/ 

The INVEST Alliance is a form of close cooperation between Karelia UAS and six other European higher education institutions, with entrepreneurship as one of their key focus areas. The INVEST Alliance organizes e.g. an international business idea competition and offers an international study package on entrepreneurship. https://www.invest-alliance.eu/fi 

Instructions for inventions for Karelia UAS staff 

Inventions by Karelia UAS staff members that may be patented and commercialised are processed in a manner required by Act on the Right in Inventions made at Higher Education Institutions.  

As an employee at a University of Applied Sciences, you are obliged to draw up an invention notice for the inventions made. Making an invention notice launches a process that determines, among other things, the protection of the invention and its ownership. If the invention notice is accepted, you are entitled to the invention disclosure fee. Similarly, a reward is paid for a patented invention. 

Instructions are available at Karelia intranet.

Entrepreneurship for the staff of Karelia UAS 

The teaching staff of Karelia UAS consists of multidisciplinary experts and specialists. One good way of updating and developing one’s own competence is subsidiary/part-time entrepreneurship. The teaching staff of Karelia UAS has the opportunity to be part-time entrepreneurs. 

Subsidiary/part-time entrepreneurship can mean working as a private entrepreneur or as the owner of a company. You are allowed to conduct business and you have the right to set up a company. However, part-time entrepreneurs are required to have a license for subsidiary/part-time entrepreneurship and they need to give a report of entrepreneurship during the employment relationship.