Innovative Regional Development

Scope 4 ECTS (1 ECTS=27 hours)


Regional development is a crucial part of improving the circumstances for citizens. There are issues that can be solved with especially in sparsely populated areas and very densely populated areas. Successful regional development requires cooperation between municipalities, companies and civil society.

You understand the concepts of sustainability and bio economy, resource wisdom and how they affect regional development. You also understand the importance of innovation development and entrepreneurship in regional development.


  • Concepts of sustainable development and sustainability in innovation development
  • Ecosystem approach in innovation development
  • Innovation methods and tools for regional development
  • Excursion and hackathon.
  • Main task on the course is to participate in the hackathon.

Target audience

– For Business: Experts working in relevant fields

– For Education: Leaders, experts at all levels, 3rd or 4th year students of the associated/applicable involved degree programs

Availability January-June and upon request yearly


Senior Lecturer Pertti Laitinen ([email protected])

Interested? Contact for more info

[email protected]