Juttuklubi Joensuu

Juttuklubi Joensuu is for all immigrants who want to:

  • Meet Finnish employers
  • Create networks
  • Discuss about themes related to working life in Finnish and in English

Each time in Juttuklubi, there is a work-related theme. We invite experts to discuss the theme of the day. You will get the possibility to ask questions and discuss with specialists of different fields. In addition, you get to talk to other participants and create networks.

Coffee, tea and some small snacks are served. You do not have to register. You can attend every time or choose the themes that interest you.

The events are organized by Karelia UAS (SIMHEKarelia) and Luotsi Joensuu.

Juttuklubi Joensuu is organized in Luotsi. The address is Kauppakatu 29 (shopping centre Centrum, 1. floor).


Spring 2024 schedule and programme:

31.1.2024 at 17-19

Theme: Volunteer work – where to volunteer and how can it help in finding employment?
Guests: Anton Lumijoki and Meaza Jember / North Karelian Society for Social Security & Arina Shkabina who will share her story as a volunteer

28.2.2024 at 17-19

Theme: Thinking of entrepreneurship? How to get started?
Guest: Johannes Lasaroff, Executive Manager / Kataja Basket, former Executive Manager of Joensuu Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneur Ukon Relocations

27.3.2024 at 17-19

Theme: How to recognise your strenghts – come and test some tools and find out your superpowers!
Guest: no guest

24.4.2024 at 17-19

Theme: Study possibilities in Joensuu – University of Eastern Finland, Karelia University of Applied Sciences and Riveria present their study possibilities
Guest: UEF / Hanna Reinikainen, Sami Tanskanen, Sanna Vikla & Heli Kaarniemi, Riveria / Mervi Keinänen

29.5.2024 at 17-19

Theme: CV workshop – tips and CV photography
A professional photographer will be present to take CV photos, free of charge.

Watch a video about Juttuklubi Joensuu:

More information:

Taru Väisänen
International Student Recruitment Specialist, SIMHE counsellor
[email protected]

+358 50 413 8260

Juttuklubi Joensuu is developed based on Juttuklubi Jyväskylä brand. Juttuklubi Jyväskylää is organized by Jyväskylä City employment services, Expertise Centre for Immigrants, Business Jyväskylä, International Jyväskylä InfoCenter and Central Finland Chamber of Commerce.