
Karelia Launches Language-Supported Nursing Education in Fall 2024

At Karelia University of Applied Sciences, a language-supported nursing education program will commence in the fall 2024. Twenty-five nursing students with an international background will embark on their studies with language support. The primary language of instruction is Finnish, but during the first two years, Russian will be used to facilitate learning. This program is designed for Russian-speaking individuals whose proficiency in Finnish is not yet sufficient for Finnish-language nursing education.

Applications for the Russian-language supported nursing education will be accepted on Opintopolku (Studyinfo) from February 26 to March 15, 2024. The application phase also includes a preliminary task. Applicants must be residing in Finland.

For more information about the program content and application process (in Finnish), please visit: Sairaanhoitaja (AMK) – Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu