Fysioterapian opiskelija

InBody Body Composition Analysis

InBody body composition analysis can be used to assess body composition and well-being, as well as changes that occur in the body. InBody is the most advanced and widely used body composition measurement device on the market. Body composition is formed by genetics, physiology, metabolism, lifestyle, and nutrition.

How Does the Body Composition Analysis Work?

The InBody method offers an objective picture of the body’s condition. A very small and harmless electrical current is passed through the body through several different paths using hand and foot electrodes. The body’s tissues and fluids affect the flow of the electrical current and based on this, an analysis of the body composition in its different parts can be made. This results in an accurate report of the amount of muscle, fat, and water in the body. The measurement provides information that can be used to monitor, for example, health-enhancing physical activity, weight loss or rehabilitation. The analysis will give you extra motivation if you want to change your eating habits or make other lifestyle changes. The analysis takes between 15 and 60 seconds. The results are interpreted in a clear result report that the client takes away with them.

For Whom

For anyone interested in their own body composition, regardless of age or fitness level. However, the analysis cannot be performed during pregnancy or menstruation, and it is not suitable for people with a pacemaker, a prosthetic limb or who are unable to stand during the measurement.


InBody body composition analyses are performed by students working at TARMO. The process takes about 30 minutes, including the test and interpretation of the results.

The students who perform the test will pick you up from the information desk in the main lobby of building E at Tikkarinne campus (Tikkarinne 9). Parking permits for the guest parking lot in the yard are available from the information desk if needed.

Before the test, eating, drinking, smoking, or drinking coffee should be avoided for at least an hour. It is also not recommended to engage in strenuous physical activity or consume alcohol the night before or the same morning. The measurement is performed in light clothing and barefoot. Watches and large jewelry need to be removed.



10€/analysis for students/pensioners/the unemployed 

Payment by debit/credit card at the coordinators’ office (E280) after the test.

We do not accept cash or sports and culture vouchers.


Learning and Service Environment TARMO
Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu | Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Tikkarinne 9, FI-80200 Joensuu
[email protected]
Tel. +358 50 913 1787