Renew your loans – also course books will get the longer summer loan period from this day on

Starting from Monday 3 June, the longer summer loan period starts for course books and other 14-days-loans. The due date will jump into the middle of August. Due dates will not change automatically, so remember to renew your loans.

You can renew your loans on Tuudo, Karelia-Finna or by contacting library for example via Karelia-Finna’s chat.

Note, that you are not able to renew your loans if:

  • there is a request to the borrowed material,
  • you have fees of 10 euro or more,
  • loan has been borrowed and renewed the maximum time (1 year from the loan date)
  • your customer information is not valid.

Please, follow these instructions if one or more of those things listed above is happening with you:

  • There is a request to the borrowed material:
    • Return the loan to the library by the due date.
    • You can also use library’s automated book return machine (outside the library). It is located on the right from Tikkarinne Campus’ main entrance, along the downhill walkway. It is open also night time and weekends.
  • You have fees of 10 euro or more:
    • You can pay your overdue fees online by logging into your own customer information at Karelia-Finna.
    • For unclear payment matters, please contact the library prior to payment.
  • Loan has been borrowed and renewed the maximum time:
    • Return the loan to the library by the due date.
      • If there is not a request to that material, you can borrow it to yourself by using lending machines.
  • Your customer information is not valid:
    • Inform the updated information to the library as soon as possible by