ICT programme is perfect for curious innovative individuals

Chioma Anyiam

Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology

“For future applicants, I would stress the importance of being prepared for the climate and being open to the enriching experiences that come with it. Joensuu is a place where you can grow both academically and personally, surrounded by supportive peers and faculty.”

My journey to Karelia UAS started with my strong love for technology and my wish to learn and contribute to the ICT field. When I found Karelia’s programme, I was drawn to its focus on practical learning and its diverse, international community.

Life-changing study experience

I chose to study ICT engineering because I am fascinated by how technology can solve real-world problems. Growing up, I was always interested in gadgets and systems that made life easier. This curiosity led me to explore different aspects of technology, from coding to hardware design. ICT engineering was a natural choice because it covers many topics that match my interests and career goals.

One of the most exciting parts of my studies at Karelia UAS has been the practical projects and group work. I also had an opportunity to participate in an exchange programme, focused on IoT and smart cities in Cartagena, Spain. This experience was life-changing, as I worked with international peers and learned about advanced technologies in a new cultural setting. It was inspiring to see how other cities approach smart city solutions and to share ideas with students and professionals from various countries.

Supportive community at Karelia UAS makes Joensuu feel like home

Studying in Joensuu is an adventure. The city is beautiful, with its peaceful landscapes and friendly community, however, it has some unique challenges. The winters are quite cold, with temperatures dropping to -25 degrees Celsius and long, dark mornings. On the contrary, the short summers are refreshing, with long, sunny days and nightless nights. Despite the cold, the warmth of the people and the supportive community at Karelia UAS make Joensuu feel like home.

For future applicants, I would stress the importance of being prepared for the climate and being open to the enriching experiences that come with it. Joensuu is a place where you can grow both academically and personally, surrounded by supportive peers and faculty.

Future career in smart technologies

I strongly recommend Karelia and the ICT Engineering programme to anyone passionate about technology and eager for practical, hands-on learning. The programme is perfect for curious, innovative individuals that are ready to tackle real-world challenges.

Looking ahead, I see myself working in smart technologies, perhaps in a role where I develop sustainable, tech-driven solutions for cities. The knowledge and experiences I’m gaining at Karelia are building a strong foundation for my future career, and I am excited to see where this journey will take me.