Alumni, Nabil Ashraf

Bach­e­lor of Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion (BBA) 2013
Tili­nor­mit Oy, Trainee Accountant

Currently I am working as trainee accoun­tant in Tili­nor­mit Oy. I look after differ­ent compa­nies finan­cial situ­a­tions; how they run, how much money they are making, profit margins, finan­cial plans of the company etc. Having learned these subjects helps me to under­stand differ­ent types of busi­nesses in the market. Besides, I have to keep eye on Finnish company & tax legis­la­tion for proper finance handling of busi­ness depend­ing on company type & its posi­tion. For example, privately owned company account­ing is differ­ent from public limited company (part­ner­ship) account­ing.

In the busi­ness, finance attracts me more than market­ing or manage­ment. In fact, finance is one of the most impor­tant keys of busi­ness driving the prof­itabil­ity. Hence, at my work I get to learn the finan­cial situ­a­tion of differ­ent compa­nies which will hope­fully be helpful in my future career planning.

nabil ashraf

I think that at my current posi­tion I make lots of contacts in differ­ent finance sectors which benefit me most at my career. For example, bank managers, insur­ance agents & some big investors (in case I get some busi­ness ideas someday 😉

I have already been working in profes­sional finance for last few years and grad­u­ally getting more expe­ri­ence which is obvi­ously broad­en­ing my prac­ti­cal know-how in real life busi­ness. I would like to develop my finance and market­ing strat­egy of busi­ness orga­ni­za­tion in the future.

From 2008 till 2012 I lived the most memo­rable studentship in my life at Karelia UAS. If I really have to mention memo­ries, I would say that the teach­ers at Karelia UAS are the best and friend­liest I have ever seen in my whole student life. Every time I needed any sort of help includ­ing personal and study related issues they were very helpful. Without any doubt, Karelia UAS has some of the best teach­ers. The manage­ment of the Univer­sity is also very flex­i­ble, there is no bureau­cracy, and every­thing works like charm. Inter­na­tional Busi­ness & Market­ing courses have helped me a lot in my working life.

If you would like to develop your profes­sional skills in inter­na­tional business/marketing, choose Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences (Karelia UAS). Here you will have great oppor­tu­ni­ties to network with compa­nies and profes­sion­als in differ­ent busi­ness fields. Student life in this univer­sity is always full of produc­tive activ­i­ties. Last but not least, whether you plan to set up your own company or work in a company in Finland or abroad the Karelia UAS will help you getting into your career in your desired career lineup.

Good luck with the studies at Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences!