Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences contin­ues its versa­tile activ­i­ties as distance work

Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences contin­ues its versa­tile activ­i­ties as distance work


On Wednes­day, Karelia UAS started imple­ment­ing studies as distance learn­ing online due to the coro­n­avirus epidemic. Despite the closure of Tikkarinne and Wärt­silä campuses, teach­ing at Karelia UAS contin­ues with new arrange­ments. The versa­tile research, devel­op­ment and inno­va­tion activ­i­ties of Karelia UAS also continue, mainly remotely, but in certain cases, work requir­ing special facil­i­ties may be imple­mented on the campus as well.

– We were able to arrange distance learn­ing very quickly, using creativ­ity. Of course, some refine­ment is still needed. Teach­ing and coun­selling are now imple­mented in other ways, includ­ing distance learn­ing, various digital learn­ing envi­ron­ments and solu­tions, and inde­pen­dent study­ing, states Petri Raivo, the Pres­i­dent of Karelia UAS.

The purpose of these distance learn­ing measures is to make sure that teach­ing and learn­ing will be imple­mented as smoothly as possi­ble during the coro­n­avirus epidemic. Studies that require atten­dance and prac­ti­cal exer­cises will be organ­ised during the spring term, if possi­ble. Infor­ma­tion on such solu­tions will be announced sepa­rately. There may also be some changes concern­ing prac­ti­cal train­ing periods.

– Despite this excep­tional situ­a­tion, our core activ­i­ties continue and, for example, the joint appli­ca­tion for higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions began yester­day. Our degree studies, service busi­ness and projects also continue to be imple­mented from distance. Infor­ma­tion on the upcom­ing entrance exam­i­na­tions will be announced as soon as possible.

Impor­tant services for students, such as student services and the library, serve students remotely until further notice. In addi­tion, the services of the Student Welfare Officer are also avail­able online. More infor­ma­tion about the services is avail­able at https://www.karelia.fi/fi/karelia/palvelut-karelian-kampuksilla

Karelia UAS actively moni­tors the situ­a­tion with the coro­n­avirus and the related instruc­tions from the author­i­ties and acts accord­ingly. Karelia UAS follows the current prepared­ness plan and the instruc­tions given by the author­i­ties. No coro­n­avirus infec­tions have been discov­ered in Karelia UAS, but Karelia UAS is doing its share in slowing down the spread of the epidemic.