Karelia UAS awarded students and employees

Karelia UAS awarded the student and student group of the year as well as the employee of the year, team of the year and a pair of employees with certificates of honour and gift tokens at the opening ceremony of Karelia UAS academic year 2020-2021.

Student Union POKA has chosen Anssi Kirkinen from the degree programme of music as The Student of the Year. Anssi graduated in June 2020 with very good grades. Anssi’s productions throughout his studies have been good quality. Anssi’s thesis is interdisciplinary and useful also in education of physiotherapy.

Student Union POKA has chosen STHAK20 as the Student Group of the Year. Atmosphere of the group is equal and supportive. Even though the group studies mainly remotely they have succeeded to create a good team spirit. The group has proceeded well in studies and the group members have supported each other in the challenges of their studies. The group studies together online and group members help each other for example if someone doesn’t pass the exam. The group is motivated to learn and to graduate as a nurse. Everyone can feel themselves accepted and heard as just the way they are.

Senior Advisor Mervi Lätti was awarded as the employee of the year. According to the reasons, Mervi is a hardworking and an unselfish employee who collaborates with Karelia UAS employees and the different interest groups to develop Open UAS studies. Mervi is diligent in her work and the quality of her work needs to be noticed.

Student Admission Coordinators Auli Karjalainen and Kirsi Kukkonen were awarded as the pair of employees. Auli and Kirsi work in Karelia UAS admission services in a very customer-oriented manner. They are willing to help applicants, employees and cooperation partners with a kind attitude and without delays. They have received positive feedback from cooperation partners, student counsellors at secondary schools. Cooperation with Karelia UAS student counsellors regarding issues related to student admission is fluent, friendly and flexible.

Team leaders Minna Lappalainen, Jaana Pantsari, Kirsi Sallinen, Mari Savolainen and Kirsi Varis were awarded as the team of the year. They have worked as a team to develop the operational activities of nursing education. They lead their teams in a goal-oriented manner according to the commonly agreed principles of nursing education and the Karelia UAS strategy. During the corona crisis, they have taken responsibility for the activities of their teams by drawing up guidelines for teachers and students for different situations in accordance to the principles of the Emergency Powers Act. They have also been responsible for reorganising the teaching delayed by the corona crisis. They are important cooperation partners and an important help to Heads of Education in taking things forward.