Karelia UAS will start imple­ment­ing studies as distance learn­ing as of 23rd Novem­ber 2020

The city of Joensuu is now at the accel­er­at­ing phase of the coro­n­avirus epidemic. This means, for example, that face masks are recom­mended to be worn in most occa­sions and higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions will start temporar­ily imple­ment­ing studies as distance learn­ing. Karelia UAS complies with these deci­sions given by the author­i­ties. Conse­quently, Karelia UAS will start imple­ment­ing studies as distance learn­ing as of 23rd Novem­ber 2020. Only studies requir­ing pres­ence or special facil­i­ties will continue to be imple­mented as contact teach­ing, but with compul­sory use of face masks and other protec­tive equip­ment. The equip­ment will be provided by Karelia UAS. These instruc­tions are valid until further notice.