From MOT Dictionaries to

The old service MOT Sanakirjasto/Online (i.e. MOT Dictionaries) will completely run down at the end of an ongoing year. You already have the access to its substitute called MOT Kielipalvelu/ >> This service on the platform includes tools familiar from the old MOT.

In addition to dozens of dictionaries, MOT Kielipalvelu contains MOT Translator (translations between 40 languages) as well as MOT Proofing (proofreading and spell checker of English, Finnish, Swedish, German and French). 

How can I access the MOT Kielipalvelu/

Students and staff members can request a login link to the service for remote access as follows (video instructions >>

  • Go to
  • Choose Karelia UAS from the list and enter Karelia’s email address. Then click “Get a login link”.
  • Click the link in the email you receive.
  • Set a password for your account so you will be able to login to the service with all your devices – whenever and wherever.

When you are logged in to your account, the service can be accessed from Within the Karelia’s network, you can access the service without logging in.