From MOT Dictio­nar­ies to

The old service MOT Sanakirjasto/Online (i.e. MOT Dictio­nar­ies) will completely run down at the end of an ongoing year. You already have the access to its substi­tute called MOT Kielipalvelu/ >> This service on the plat­form includes tools famil­iar from the old MOT.

In addi­tion to dozens of dictio­nar­ies, MOT Kieli­palvelu contains MOT Trans­la­tor (trans­la­tions between 40 languages) as well as MOT Proof­ing (proof­read­ing and spell checker of English, Finnish, Swedish, German and French). 

How can I access the MOT Kielipalvelu/

Students and staff members can request a login link to the service for remote access as follows (video instruc­tions >>

  • Go to
  • Choose Karelia UAS from the list and enter Karelia’s email address. Then click “Get a login link”.
  • Click the link in the email you receive.
  • Set a pass­word for your account so you will be able to login to the service with all your devices – when­ever and wherever.

When you are logged in to your account, the service can be accessed from Within the Karelia’s network, you can access the service without logging in.