Library’s opening and service hours from 1.2.2022

self-service library:

Mon-Fri 7.30 – 20

Notice: The main door of the Tikkarinne campus E building is closing earlier than self-service library.
The main door is open:
Mon-Thu 7.30 am to 4.30 pm
Fri 7.30 am to 3.30 pm

library’s customer service:

Mon 11 – 16:30
Tue – Fri  11 – 15

You can also contact us remotely:
o on Karelia-Finna’s chat,
o by email: [email protected], or
o by phone 050 311 9545 (also WhatsApp & text messages)

on-call librarian at library:

You can contact the on-call librarian in the mornings Mon – Fri 8.30 – 11, if you have problems while visiting the library (borrowing/returning the loans etc.).

  • Call or send message to number 050 311 9545 (also WhatsApp).

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Check the up-to-date opening and service hours of Karelia UAS Library from Karelia-Finna. There can be changes due to corona situation.