General collection’s loans get a longer due date, when you renew them

Summer is comming, and so are the longer summer­time due dates for our general collection’s loans. The due dates are not going ahead auto­mat­i­cally, so remem­ber to renew them. Renew the 28-days-loans now, and the next due date will be in August (18.8.).

  • If you have the Tuudo library card, the renewal is easy & quick to do there.
  • You can also renew your loans on Karelia-Finna.
  • You can contact library
    • on Karelia-Finna’s chat,
    • by email library(a) tai
    • to the number +358 50 311 9545 (WhatsApp/text message/phone call).

Notice. For course books, the long due dates will come after two weeks from now. Remem­ber to renew them at that time!

if you are not able to renew

You are not able to renew your loans if:

  • there is a request placed on the loan,
  • you have had the loan the maximum time,
  • you have 10 euro or more overdue fees,
  • your customer infor­ma­tion are no longer valid.
    • If you get shorter due date, the period of your customer infor­ma­tion might be ending. Please, contact the library.

More info from Library’s Frequently asked ques­tions page > See the Why can’t I renew my loans? heading.

return­ing the loans

Library is open until 30.6., and closed 1.7. – 2.8.

You can return your loans in the summer (and also when­ever library is closed) by using the auto­mated book return machine outside the library. It is located on the right from Tikkarinne Campus’ main entrance, along the down­hill walkway. The return machine is avail­able 24/7 (in the evenings, week­ends and vaca­tion times).

You can check all the opening, service and closing hours from Karelia-Finna.

Tämän kuvan alt-attribuutti on tyhjä; Tiedoston nimi on the-eleventh-hour-758723_1280-1024x681.jpg
Photo: Pixabay