Preparatory Programme for Higher Education Studies in English for those who have fled war from Ukraine

In co-operation with eight other UAS’ we provide a Preparatory Programme for Higher Education Studies in English for those who have fled war from Ukraine.

In this programme, you familiarize yourself with different fields of study and options for you.

  • social services and health care; 
  • business; 
  • engineering;  
  • or something else?  

You will get the basic skills required in higher education studies and will also receive personal career guidance and counselling to help you to decide what to do after the course.  

Due to funding restrictions, this preparatory programme is only for people who have fled Ukraine and have temporary protection in Finland. It is held in English with the support in Ukrainian and Russian, if necessary. Studies are free of charge. 

The application period is 20 March to 30 April.

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