Student communication was reformed in Karelia UAS

Karelia UAS’s student communication was reformed at the turn of the year when the Student Intra Pakki experienced a complete transformation. The redesign aims to take students’ wishes in particular into account, and that is why we asked for their opinions on the implementation of student communication in Karelia UAS.

The aim of the survey was to obtain information on what the content and functions of the new student intranet should be. We also wanted to know what Karelia UAS communication channels students use or would like to use. In addition, the students had the opportunity to give other development proposals related to student communication on the survey. Based on the feedback, we started developing a new student intranet, which was introduced in February 2023. 

The feedback from the students showed that communication channels should be reduced. The majority of students also think that they receive too many e-mails. Main student communication channels were Student Intra Pakki and Tuudo. Tuudo is a mobile application that collects the most important services related to studies on the same app. Tuudo app includes student’s credits, schedules, news and events, menus for student restaurants, public transport schedules, electronic library card, campus maps, work and training places and the search for Karelia UAS personnel and services. A student card will also be added to the Tuudo app later. 

The aim was to clarify the new student intranet in such a way that the accessibility criteria were also met. The Intra can now be used smoothly on mobile. The reform of student communication was intended to modernize and make the communication targeted at students more effective. We also wished to make finding information about studying easier. The redesign of the student intranet was only one part of the reform of student communication and the development work continues. 

Communication has always been a challenge. Some students even find communication distressing because there are too many messages. Often the messages also go unnoticed, although the same information has been shared in different channels. The goal is to get students to use the new Student Intra Pakki and read it every day. It is important that we receive proper feedback and development proposals, so that we can build a better quality of communication, which is also acceptable to everyone. 

Feedback about Pakki and student communication can be sent to [email protected]

 and [email protected]

Suvi Pajarinen, Coordinator, Karelia University of Applied Sciences