Student satisfaction in Karelia is the best in history

Based on the feedback survey carried out this year, the student satisfaction of students completing a degree at Karelia University of Applied Sciences was 83 %. A total of 1,674 responses were received to the survey, of which 1,610 were from students with a Bachelor´s degree and 64 from students with a Master’s degree.

– We have collected feedback from students since 1999. This year’s student satisfaction is the best result in the history of our University of Applied Sciences. Student satisfaction improved overall by four percentage points, and the students were the most satisfied with the implementation of the education and the curricula. A big thank you goes to the staff and students for this, says Pekka Auvinen, vice-rector of Karelia.

The feedback regarding Master´s degree studies was overall very good, no less than 91 %, and the result improved by four percentage points.

The survey collects feedback on curricula, the implementation of education, the guidance of learning and the development of competence. Karelia makes use of the feedback when developing the activities of various training courses.