Responsible Use of Natural Resources

Scope 5 ECTS (1 ECTS=27 hours)


Enable yourself the ability to identify responsible use of natural resources!


Values behind environmental attitudes

  • Humanistic thinking
  • Romantic thinking
  • Free markets and welfare state
  • Role of technology

Basics of Environmental Economics

  • Natural capital
  • Eternality
  • Market failure
  • Common goods and public goods
  • Valuation
  • Subsidies


  • International and national definitions
  • Social and environmental sustainability
  • Sustainable development

Climate chance impacts to environment

  • Precipitation
  • Temperature
  • Natural disasters

Global natural resources

  • Food production (agriculture, fishing industry)
  • Fresh water
  • Mining
  • Forests

Global agreements on environment

  • EIA internationally
  • Participatory planning (Århus)
  • Rio agreements
  • Climate summits
  • WTO and global trade

Course includes case studies on subjects closely related to local conditions and problems in students’ country of origin.

Target audience

– For Business: Experts working in relevant fields

– For Education: Leaders, experts at all levels, 3rd or 4th year students of the associated/applicable involved degree programs

Availability January-June and upon request yearly


Senior Lecturer Markus Huhtinen ([email protected])

Interested? Contact for more info

[email protected]