Library’s Information Search Workshops – Spring 2024

Library arranges information search workshops both online and on Campuses (Tikkarinne or Wärtsilä). To participate, you can be studying in any degree programme of Karelia UAS. You can ask about information searches, information sources, search words etc. We will guide you! Welcome!

Please, check the times & places from Library’s User education page. There can come some changes.

TIKKARINNE | WÄRTSILÄ (face-to-face workshops at campuses)

You can go any of the workshops if the time suits for you. Language of the guidance: Finnish/English. You can participate in either of two campus workshops.
Notice: To get most of the workshop, please bring your own laptop with you.

Place: main lobby of Wärtsilä Campus (if nothing else is mentioned)

  • Thu 8.2. at 9–11
  • Tue 9.4. at 9–11
  • Tue 7.5. at 9–11

Place: Solina Restaurant’s room E126 (if nothing else is mentioned)

  • Thu 1.2. at 9–10.30 
    Theme: Search terms/words
  • Tue 19.3. at 14.-15.30 
    Theme: Finnish articles: Finna, Medic,, Tiede ja tutkimus, printed journals + reference information)
  • Mon 13.5. at 15–16.30
    Theme: International articles, Ebsco, etc.
  • Tue 4.6. at 14-15.30
    No specific theme

Online (Teams meeting)

If you have anything to ask about the workshops, please send us email to library(a)