Eurashe PHE awards winners

INVEST Receives PHE Star Award at EURASHE 33rd Annual Conference

The INVEST European University Alliance was honored with the PHE Star Award for Applied Research and Innovation at the EURASHE 33rd Annual Conference, held on May 22-23, 2024, at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten, Austria.

The winning session in the Applied Research and Innovation category showcased the INVEST Research and Innovation Strategy in practice, demonstrating how it serves the aims of the European Research Agenda and fosters local and regional impact. 

The INVEST team was represented by Liisa Timonen and Jaana Tolkki from Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Mariyana Ivanova and Andrean Lazarov from the University of Agribusiness and Rural Development in Bulgaria, and Marcela Chrenekova and Marián Kovacik from the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia.

Karelia University of Applied Sciences is part of the INVEST European University Alliance.

Watch the event award ceremony on EURASHE’s YouTube channel: