You can see all the opening and service hours of Karelia UAS library on Karelia-Finna.
5-9 August
Self-service library is open Mon-Fri 7.30-20.
- Note: The main entrance has shorter opening hours (Mon-Thu 7.30-16.30 and Fri 7.30-15.30).
Customer service desk is closed 5-9 August.
12-31 August
Self-service library is open Mon-Fri 7.30-20.
- Note: The main entrance has shorter opening hours (Mon-Thu 7.30-16.30 and Fri 7.30-15.30).
Customer service desk is open Mon-Thu 11-15.
- On Fridays, customer service desk is closed.
From 2 September ->
Self-service library is open Mon-Fri 7.30-20.
- Note: The main entrance has shorter opening hours (Mon-Thu 7.30-16.30 and Fri 7.30-15.30).
Customer service desk is open Mon 11-16.30, Tue-Thu 11-15.
- On Fridays, customer service desk is closed.
Welcome to start the new academic year! To be able to borrow library’s printed books / materials, you need to have a valid library card to our library. As Karelia UAS student, the quickest way to get the library card is to take it in use in Tuudo application. If you do not want Tuudo electronic library card / you are not Karelia UAS student/staff, please fill in this registration form before visiting the library. (You can change the language from the right up corner of the form.)