Encountering the Dynamics of Working in an International Project at Karelia UAS: An Experiential Journey

It was my first time working on an international project at Karelia University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Joensuu, triggering a transformative experience marked by stunning landscapes of the Northern Karelia and warm-welcoming nature of the community. I had the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and exposure engendering an enrichment of my needed professional skills and broadening my understanding of global perspectives.

A Scenic Backdrop                                                                         

Quite new in Finland and by extension Karelia UAS in Joensuu. It was like an exploratory journey of a novice. The stunning scenery of the Karelia region was so captivating that I briefly forgot my reason for coming. The pristine lakes mirror the sky, and the lively sounds of nature sponsored by the dense forests make it a peaceful place for relaxation. Everyday, I found myself inspired by the environment around me. I felt at home and ready to start work.

I was drafted into the INVEST4EXCELLENCE Horizon2020 project, an ambitious initiative involving five European universities working together as an alliance. The target is to develop an interconnected-sustained strategic plan for research and innovation aligned with the INVEST EU University Alliance’s educational goals. The INVEST4EXCELLENCE project aims to position these European universities at the forefront of knowledge creation and real-world application of innovative solutions. I had my orientations and schedules! Work started!

A Man at his work desk
Conducting Literature Review in My Work Station
INVEST WP3 Kick-off Meeting on Student-related Tasks with Director of International Affairs Liisa Timonen.

It didn’t take quite long for me to forget all the appealing features of the environment occasioned by the realization of the cumbersome tasks at hand. My responsibilities included compiling literature reviews, preparing project deliverables for publication, utilizing various novel software platforms, and actively participating in I4E teamwork and assignments. It felt so demanding and palpable to me! Thanks to my Colleagues (Riina Korhonen, Kristiina Väänänen, Tina Muhonen and Liisa Timonen – my supervisor) for calming my nerves and showing readiness for effective guidance and assistance. Their mentorship helped me produce several outputs, including project reports, conference papers, and contributions to Karelian international publications and journals. I leveraged their friendliness to socialize at meals and coffee breaks.

It was during these times that I observed the community’s deep commitment to sustainability. Colleagues took only what they could consume, consciously avoiding waste, and remained punctual for all scheduled activities. At this point, whether we were working in the university’s facilities or exploring the outdoors during breaks, the environment continuously reminded me of the importance of sustainability and responsible practices.

INVEST4EXCELLENCE Team Photograph to mark the end of the project.
From Left: Tina Muhonen, Kristiina Väänänen, Liisa Timonen & Chijioke Okoro.

International Friendliness

Though I heard from a few friends, my experience confirmed the reputation of Karelian UAS impeccable feature of international friendliness. The university embraces diversity and inclusivity sponsoring an atmosphere of value for every stakeholder. It was amazing to have encountered the Rector on several occasion and the Director of International Affairs at different times joining my table during lunch and chatting freely on several subject matters, sharing their experiences of multiculturalism and work ethics and encouraging me with the best strategies to navigate forward. They were quite unassuming and amazing. These interactions were invaluable. The mutual respect embedded in the institution fostered an environment of collaboration that made problem-solving a collective effort. I felt empowered to voice my ideas, knowing that they would be met with consideration and enthusiasm. I feel that I worked with the best team in Karelia UAS who demonstrated mature and detribalized qualities. Our gatherings were filled with laughter, storytelling, and the joy of discovering new flavors.

Karelian Entrepreneurship Expo 2024 – Award Presentations.

As I navigated through my project, I also experienced personal growth that enabled me to become more adaptable and open-minded, learning to embrace uncertainty and view challenges as opportunities for improvement and innovation. Considering some of the technological-competence issues that scared me at the beginning, I could affirm that the supportive environment at Karelia UAS encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone, enhancing my confidence and resilience. I now have relative understanding of my bearing in this community.

Looking Ahead  

As I reflect on this journey, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such a dynamic Karelian work community. The knowledge I garnered and the friendships that I built will have a sustained impact on my career. I am eager to continue contributing to this community, where collaboration and sustainability are not merely goals but core values.

My journey through the institution has strengthened my commitment to responsible practices and international collaboration. It is my utmost desire to solidify my competences by remaining in projects that prioritize ethical considerations and sustainable development, continuing to learn from my colleagues towards contributing to a meaningful change.

I am glad to conclude by affirming that my first international project at Karelia UAS has been an exciting adventure, characterized by stunning landscapes and welcoming community, which provided the platform for a shared commitment to responsible practices. I continue to envision an exciting opportunity that lies ahead in the Karelian work community, ready to embrace new challenges and opportunities for growth.      


Chijioke Okoro, Ph.D., Project Worker, INVEST4EXCELLENCE project, Karelia UAS

Logos: Invest4Excellence, EU Horizon programme