Renew your loans to get the longer due date for Christmas time loans

The longer Christmas time loans are here again: borrow printed books/materials from library or renew your loans, the due date will be 15 January 2025!

Renew your loans: You can

  • renew your loans on Tuudo or Karelia-Finna
  • contact library on Karelia-Finna’s chat, by email [email protected] or by texting/WhatsApp +358503119545.
    • In your message, please tell your name and/or your library card number.

If the due date is not going ahead, there may be a request to the book or some issue in your library customer account (for example fees/validity period).

  • If needed, please contact the library.
  • Or return your loans, you can return them by using automated book return machine outside the library.

When you borrow printed books/materials from our library, you will now get the longer due date for your loans.

Library will be closed from 21 December 2024 to 6 January 2025.