From the beginning of 2025, we have purchased 2 completely new databases (ScienceDirect and JBI) and an upgraded package (Cinahl).
ScienceDirect is a large, multidisciplinary, full-text database of journals and books from Elsevier. ScienceDirect contains material from fields such as engineering, health sciences, natural sciences and social sciences.
JBI Complete is a nursing database containing resources and tools for retrieving, evaluating and applying evidence-based knowledge in the health sector. The service is designed to support nursing practice and clinical decision making.
Cinahl Complete (EBSCOHost) is an upgraded version of the familiar Cinahl with full text. The larger Cinahl Complete contains over 700 journals in nursing and related fields in full text.
All new resources can be accessed via Karelia-Finna. On campus, the resources can be accessed directly online, but if you want to use them remotely, remember to log in to Karelia-Finna first. All databases can be found by searching the Karelia-Finna homepage and entering the name of the database. ScienceDirect can also be found in the Karelia-Finna middle bar menu under Other databases and all Ebsco databases (including Cinahl) can be accessed from the same menu under Ebsco.
All the databases we have can be browsed by clicking on Databases in the middle bar of the Karelia-Finna home page and, if necessary, by limiting the search results by sector using the left-hand side filtering menu.