Category: Library
Face-to-face information search workshop on 5 June
The last information search workshop of the spring 2023 will be held on Monday 5.6. Place: Tikkarinne campus, space Solina cabinet E126Time: 16 -17.30 Notice: If the main entrance of Tikkarinne Campus is closed when you arrive, please ring +358 50 311 9545, and we will come to open the doors. (The main entrance is…
Renew your loans for summer!
By renewing, you will get long loan period for summer: Materials of general collection from 24.5. and course books and journals from 7.6.2023. After summer, the first due date will be Thursday 24.8. Please remember that the due dates are not moving ahead automatically, so remember to renew your loans! There will come overdue fees if the loans…
Congratulations to graduates!
You can continue as a library client even if your studies are ending. Contact the library (e.g., by chat, email) and we will extend the validity of your customer information and update your contact details. Please also ensure that you have returned all your loans and paid your payments, otherwise your data will remain in our…
Library is closed on Thursday 18.5.
On Thursday 18.5. whole library is closed. You can return your loans by using library’s automated book return machine (outside the library) even when the library is closed. Karelia-Finna and databases, e-books etc. in it are in your use also whenever the library is closed.
Results of the library communication survey
The survey on the library’s communication and the usability of the Karelia-Finna, which was renewed in March, was open from 4 to 30 April and the link to the survey was available in the Karelia-Finna, in the intranet/Pakki and in the library’s April newsletter. We received a total of 22 responses, thank you to everyone…
Book cover art display at library
In May, there are books on display at the library whose covers — for one reason or another — have remained in our minds. Come to see both beautiful and maybe not so brilliant ones. All the books of the display can be borrowed. The book display is located next to the lending machines. Welcome!
Getting library’s notices in English
If you wish to have library’s notices, due date recipes etc. in English, please contact the library and ask us to change the language in English. You can for example: Please notice: Information about your language option on Peppi do not transfer to the library system. The message about contacting the library in order to change…
Update on the comfort of a silent study room
In March, we asked users of the library’s silent study room how the space could be made more comfortable. We received several good suggestions and all feedback was taken into account. These wishes have now been passed on to the people responsible for the facilities and the property. We can’t do everything (e.g. green plants…
An overall badge for May Day
May Day is approaching, is your overalls still missing a library badge? You can get a jumpsuit badge from the library’s customer service (check opening hours at Karelia-Finna) by showing your library card (e.g., at Tuudo). The badges are available to be picked up until 28.4.
Information search workshops on 13.4. and 17.4.
Need tips for finding information? You are welcome to participate to information search workshop You can study in any study programme to participate, it is not not bound up on which campus you are studying. You can participate in according to your own schedule. No need to enroll.