Category: Articles
From Internships to Insights: How International Students Are Shaping Their Futures in Joensuu
Internships are more than just work experience—they’re a chance to learn, grow, and connect. As part of my own internship with Talent Hub Eastern Finland project, I set out to interview three international students about their journeys to working with local companies in Joensuu. The goal was not only to understand their experiences, challenges, and…
INVEST Partner Spotlight: University of Milano-Bicocca
The INVEST European University Alliance recently expanded by welcoming three new partners to join the consortium. One of these new universities is the University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB). This fall, staff members from Karelia UAS had chance to visit UNIMIB on several occasions. These visits helped build connections, provided a platform for benchmarking best practices, and strengthened…
Developing blended learning practices with learning technologies and flipped classroom pedagogy
This article discusses the author’s doctoral dissertation Studies on developing blended learning practices in business courses with learning technologies and flipped classroom pedagogy in the Finnish higher education context which was published and examined in November 2024. The research was driven by the need to develop flexible and effective teaching practices in higher education. Government targets…
Learning, Growing and Connecting: A Glimpse into my Internship at Karelia UAS
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “internship”? Coffee runs? Endless photocopying? Well, my internship at Karelia University of Applied Sciences, with the project called Talent Hub Eastern Finland has been nothing like that. Instead, it’s been a whirlwind of growth, discovery, and just enough chaos to keep things exciting!…
Let’s be remote – Making remote guidance and digital skills core competences?
Remote meetings and distance learning are part of everyday life. But how should higher education teaching take into account the rapid technological developments that will inevitably change the way we work, for example in social and health services? Many countries have recognised that without digital services, it will not be possible to meet the growing…
Cultural Diversity in Student Union POKA – Analysis of the Current Situation and Development Areas considering of Internationalization
Student unions strive for equality, internationalization, and bilingualism. In student unions, bilingualism and the diversity of different cultures are seen as assets. The actors are motivated and care about the important work they do. International expertise is particularly evident in the area of tutoring. Student unions play an important role in the integration of international…
INVEST Partner Spotlight: University of Agribusiness and Regional Development (UARD)
This article is based on the experiences from the INVEST and INVEST4EXCELLENCE project trip to Plovdiv, Bulgaria in June 2024. It gives a special highlight to Karelia University of Applied Sciences’ Bulgarian partner University of Agribusiness and Regional Development (UARD). The article introduces UARD as an organisation, the regional characteristics of Plovdiv and presents the…
Navigating new horizons: Insights from international students doing their internships at government agencies
Karelia’s international business students Ayeman Rahman, Saúl Hernandez Morales and Han Nguyen share their internship experiences at ELY Centre and TE Office, shedding light on their academic pursuits and future aspirations. Ayeman Rahman hails from Bangladesh and embarked on his academic journey in Eastern Finland in 2022, choosing Karelia University of Applied Sciences for its…
The Value of International University Cooperation: A Look at Three Key Visits
Karelia UAS’s Business Academy (Y-akatemia) is proud to host international visitors throughout the academic year. This past spring was no different, as the Business Academy was glad to host three different delegations from all over the world, from France, Tanzania and Canada. Even though each visit was unique in their own way, they all included…
Embracing the Finnish Work Culture as a Talent Hub Eastern-Finland -project’s RDI-trainee: My Experience at Karelia UAS
As a final year International Business student at Karelia University of Applied Sciences, I have experienced a blend of academic knowledge and practical experience, all in my role as an RDI-trainee for the Talent Hub Eastern Finland (THEF) -project. This position helped me to contribute effectively to the development of a globally competitive and culturally…