Category: Pulse
Part-time Teaching as a Career
In this article, I discuss my professional identity as a part-time teacher in Karelia UAS. In addition to teaching, I work at the interface of social and art sectors, and with theatre and events, to mention a few. I am also studying for a master’s degree. Part-time teaching can be an interesting addition to a…
Yosra Yahya has found her place in North Karelia
Yosra Yahya, a student at Karelia University of Applied Sciences, will soon graduate as an engineer from the Industrial Management degree programme. The young woman who moved from Saudi Arabia to Eastern Finland has achieved a lot in a couple of years – in addition to her studies, she has learned Finnish, volunteered and got…
INVEST Teacher’s Handbook – a tool for systemic piloting and implementation of INVEST specialisations
How to get started with INVEST pedagogy? Where to find information on teacher mobility? Who to contact when you have problems with Moodle? A new lecturer starting to teach on INVEST specialisation years may face many practical challenges. In order to help him/ her get started, we have created a tool called INVEST Teacher’s Handbook.…
Piloting Sustainable Communities in Energy Transition -specialisation studies in international collaboration
Karelia University of Applied Sciences piloted the INVEST BSc specialisation Sustainable Communities in Energy Transition during semester 2022-2023 for a small group of international and Finnish students. The specialisation included five advanced courses, totaling 30 ECTS points, and is a part of Karelia’s Energy and Environmental Technology degree program. The curriculum development and the first…
Joint curriculum development: an iterative and incremental process
This article describes some elements of the joint curriculum development process of the bachelor and master degree programs of the European University Alliance INVEST (INnoVations of REgional Sustainability: European UniversiTy). It was an interesting experience. To cooperate in an effective way with international colleagues having different educational backgrounds, disciplines and experiences, was both an iterative…
From templates to classroom – Plan, Do, Check, Act of Curriculum Development in International Teams
10 joint Bachelor programmes (Specialisation years), four Master Programmes and a PhD programme. All developed in just three years’ time in an international network that had just been established under European University Alliance programme. An immense effort that has required – but also awarded – a lot. At the end of the first project round,…
International Conference of Urban Climate ICUC11: A perspective towards climate-conscious construction for building resilience in cities
The ICUC meetings are preeminent events for the presentation of research on urban climate, at all scales. This conference brings together a diverse international community of researchers, urban planners, designers, and policymakers. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP) both ran successful international conferences on urban climate between…
Pilot of hybrid training implemented as contact and remote simulations with paramedics and first response unit personnel in North Karelia
The objective of the Sote Hyte Living Lab – Codevelopment in North Karelia project (the Living Lab project) is to promote the capacity of private and public service providers and companies and organisations to benefit from the opportunities of technology and digitalisation to produce new kinds of solutions for social, health and well-being services in…
Inclusion with digital tools
The Living Lab project (Sote Hyte Living Lab – Co-creation in North Karelia) worked together with Aistikanava, a company based in Outokumpu, to organise a two-week experiment for the Magic Mirror equipment in spring 2023. During the first week, the equipment was tested in Joensuu in Validia, a service provider of sheltered housing under the…
International Hidden Business Champions Spring School in Joensuu
What are the competitive advantages of the Nordic companies in the global markets? Why they can be considered as hidden champions in their own market sector? These were the key questions to which we were seeking answers during our international spring school of Hidden Business Champions. Study Programme: lectures, workshops and visits During spring 2023…