Category: Pulse
Digimentor and Digimentoring at Karelia UAS
Digital development has been rapid in the field of education. Karelia University of Applied Sciences has actively implemented digital and digipedagogical development since the early 2000s. As part of the digital development strategy, the first digimentors in Karelia UAS started in 2018. The aim of the digimentors as part of the strategy is to support…
Parallel publishing promotes open-access publishing culture in Karelia UAS
The Karelia University of Applied Sciences is committed to the Declaration for Open Science and Research 2020-2025, made by the Finnish research community. As part of this commitment, one of the areas that Karelia UAS is promoting is open access publishing. This means that all publications produced by the staff of Karelia are openly available…
Student communication was reformed in Karelia UAS
Karelia UAS’s student communication was reformed at the turn of the year when the Student Intra Pakki experienced a complete transformation. The redesign aims to take students’ wishes in particular into account, and that is why we asked for their opinions on the implementation of student communication in Karelia UAS. The aim of the survey…
Attracting International Students to Karelia UAS Virtually
This article sheds a light on various activities of the One-stop Career Guidance –project (REACT ESF) has made to attract international students to apply to Karelia UAS for the next academic intake, Autumn 2023. To reach prospect applicants globally, the events have been organised virtually. The following paragraphs explain how the events were planned, organised,…
Video: International talents – companies’ point of view
This video presents experiences of Karelia UAS’s international students’ traineeships at key partner organizations. Representatives of Arbonaut Oy, European Forest Institute and Phillips Medisize Oy have shared their ideas on what is it like to work with international talents, what benefits can a company get from this experience and why should these students be given…
Empowerment of Older People in International Collaboration between Karelia UAS and CUAS
In this article we aim to discuss the empowerment of older people through international collaboration in higher education. We focus on analysing some pedagogical objectives and choices to deepen activities that have already begun between the education institutions of Karelia UAS (Finland) and CUAS (Austria). We utilise a participatory action research framework to state our…
Dark sky tourism – perspective for green business
Karelia UAS has implemented the use of immersive technologies in the marketing communication of companies’ products and services in international cooperation, e.g. in the Digi2Market project. This co-development gave confidence to networking and innovated a new perspective to further explore and investigate the usability of new technologies to support different business opportunities. The Irish partners…
INVEST European University – why it is needed and what it is all about?
Erasmus+ European Universities is a flagship programme developing higher education in a more ambitious and holistic manner than ever seen before. The programme sets goals high: the alliances are expected to reshape the higher education programmes to meet the ideal of the European degree, create a completely new kind of physical and virtual inter-European campus…
Exploring the Horizon of Timber Construction: Building a cross-boundary community of data-driven practice
Today’s world is facing a challenge due to climate change, worldwide population growth, energy demand, increased infrastructure demand, and alarming resource scarcity. The construction industry has been identified as one of the major catalysts of the adverse effects of climate change. It is crucial to reinvent the best practices through benchmarking to achieve carbon neutrality…
INVEST4EXCELLENCE builds human capacity for more sustainable supply chains
Holistic internationalisation and the promotion of sustainable development in all our actions are among the key strategic aims of Karelia University of Applied Sciences. This development work is in turn supported by the three-year Horizon2020-funded project INVEST4EXCELLENCE. The project is elaborated by the INVEST European University, which is an educational and research community of five…