
Chil­dren Devel­op­ment in Early Years

Bring your teach­ing skills and expe­ri­ences to the next levels! 


This course offers you the inten­sive and effi­cient peda­gogy work­shops in English and selected hands-on exam­ples of Finnish compre­hen­sive skills and knowl­edge with in-dept focus on Chil­dren Devel­op­ment in Early Years. 

Target groups 

Educa­tion profes­sion­als, teach­ers, educa­tors, educa­tion leaders and admin­is­tra­tion staff, researchers in the field of educa­tion who want to lift their knowl­edge, compe­tence and skills to the higher levels with gained insights into the Finnish expertise. 


  • One-week, online, 3 ECTS 
  • Indi­vid­ual and inde­pen­dent learning 
  • Group learn­ing 
  • Reports 


  • Child’s growth, devel­op­ment and learning 

Your accom­plish­ment after the course 

After this course, students: 

  • know theo­ret­i­cal basis of child devel­op­ment in early years 
  • acquire the capac­ity to support and guide the child’s growth, devel­op­ment and learning 
  • have the capac­ity to observe the indi­vid­ual needs of the child 


Antti  Raeko­rpi 
+ 358 0504652293
[email protected]

Tiina Maara­nen
+ 358 0504128902
[email protected] 

Contact infor­ma­tion 

Kha Trinh (Katri) Truong 

Global Educa­tion Officer 
+358 504730750 (What­sApps, Viber, Zalo, Skype) 
[email protected] 
Contact me on Linkedin