Karelia UAS respects the human dignity of everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, religion, origin, opinions, or other personal characteristics.
At the core of our operations lies a culture that supports the diversity of individuals and communities. Our goal is to foster openness and mutual respect throughout the entire work and study community.
We build and support a diverse and communal organisational culture. At Karelia, communality means working together both within immediate work communities and among everybody in Karelia. The goal of communal interaction is to enhance work well-being and continuity of our employees. We are an age- and family-friendly workplace that specifically considers the needs of employees of different ages and life situations.
In Karelia, leadership is based on an open, equal, and coaching management culture. A prerequisite for effective leadership is a work community with a good and confidential communication culture, where we can openly discuss work, personal development, and the diversity within the workplace. Following the principles of our Career programme, we support employees’ skills, motivation, and resources to ensure their continuity throughout various life stages during their careers.
We monitor the state of equality and non-discrimination through up-to-date personnel reporting, which is openly accessible to staff on the Karelia intranet. We assess the implementation of equality and fair treatment in our annual staff feedback survey.
At Karelia, a designated Equality and Equal Opportunities Officer has been appointed from among the staff. Our main goal with the Karelia UAS Gender Equality and Equity Plan is to promote equal treatment and prevent discrimination for both employees and students.